Pressure Tight & Leak Free Castings

Olson Aluminum Castings is well known within the aluminum casting industry for specializing in high integrity, pressure tight and leak free castings.Our proprietary alloy cleansing and degassing techniques remove the harmful contaminants known for creating hard spots, shrinkage, gas porosity and sub-standard physical properties. Details such as optimum chemical property limits, additives required to promote improved grain structure and refinement and properly designed gate and riser systems to eliminate internal shrinkage are all critical to our success with pressure tight and leak free requirements.
Olson Aluminum produces castings for industries serving the hydraulic, pneumatic, fluid controls, fuel systems, valves, pumps, industrial controls and electro mechanical markets, among others. Our castings consistently meet and exceed the requirements of these demanding industries
Differences in “Metal Integrity” shown in these examples are typical of casting inconsistencies that can be found throughout the aluminum casting